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The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization

Jon Katzenbach

The definition of a "team" as opposed to a "working group" began with Katzenbach.

In this book, the authors provide a comprehensive examination of team dynamics by utilizing a variety of case studies and testimonials from successful and unsuccessful teams, including those from Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. Army, and high school sports teams. They present both detailed analysis and a broad perspective, offering both familiar and unexpected conclusions and recommendations.

Key takeaways include: Teams, defined as a small group with complementary skills, are crucial for high performance and adaptation in organizations. Shared purpose and commitment, effective communication, trust, role clarity, and organizational support are vital for team success. Various team types exist, including problem-solving, self-managed, and cross-functional teams. Ongoing attention and development are necessary to nurture effective teams.


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